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What Is Fiber Distributed Data Interface?

What Is Fiber Distributed Data Interface?

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a standard for high-speed, fiber optic local area networks developed in the 1980s. It specifies a set of protocols and standards for transmitting data over optical fiber cables and provides a reliable and high-performance network infrastructure.

Here are some key aspects of Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI):

Network Topology:

FDDI Networks are dual-ring topologies. There are two counter-rotating rings: a primary ring and a secondary ring. The rings provide redundancy and fault tolerance, ensuring network connectivity even if one ring is broken or experiences a failure.

Physical Medium:

FDDI networks use optical fiber cables as the transmission medium. Fiber optics enable high-speed data transmission, long-distance communication, and resistance to electromagnetic interference. The most common type of fiber used in FDDI is multimode fiber.

Data Transmission:

FDDI utilizes a token-passing mechanism for data transmission. A token passes around the network and only the node possessing the token to transmit data. This token-passing mechanism ensures fair access to the network and prevents data collisions.

Speed and Bandwidth:

FDDI supports data transmission speeds of 100 megabits per second (Mbps) over optical fiber. It provides ample bandwidth for transmitting large amounts of data and is suitable for demanding applications that require high data rates.

Network Management:

FDDI incorporates network management features for monitoring, controlling, and troubleshooting the network. It includes features like fault detection, fault isolation, and network performance monitoring to ensure the network operates reliably.

Standards and Compatibility:

FDDI is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard and is compatible with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It supports various upper-layer protocols and used with different network protocols such as TCP/IP or IPX/SPX.


Used for high-speed LANs in enterprise environments that required high bandwidth and reliability. Used for backbone networks connecting different buildings or departments within an organization, connecting servers, mainframes, and high-performance workstations.

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